Friday, March 11, 2011

Perspectives on Life

Yesterday, we were VERY lucky to be able to have a discussion with Emmanuel College students and staff. 
To all of our visitors from Emmanuel College... thank you for taking the time to come to MC School and share with us. Also, thank you for pushing us to think about and express our opinions on important issues in society today. 
To my beautiful 8th graders... I can't express enough to you how impressed I was with how you handled yourselves yesterday. Not only was I amazed at your ideas, but also the fluency and clarity with which you expressed them, and your focus, dedication and participation in the discussion. You make me proud to be your teacher and happy to know such bright, intellectual, caring individuals.

Now, to continue the discussion... Our main question is: 
Does everyone deserve the right to a quality education? 
(Think about The Giver and why the members of the community don't have books).

And if you would like to specify it to this country: 
Do Haitians deserve the right to a quality education in the Dominican Republic? 
(You may want to check out this video so you understand a little more how Haitians are treated legally in the Dominican Republic). 

I would like to invite everyone, including Emmanuel College, to comment. Feel free to look back on and comment on prior blog posts as well!


  1. of course everyone has the right to a quality education, but we also have to think out of the box, what if everyone received the same education? what would the world be? there would not be no competition (sometimes it's not bad), and it will be difficult for others to get chosen for the jobs, because there is nothing that will differentiate us. i understand that public schools should improve their studies but it's also better that we don't receive the same education, so that we have something, different abilities that can help us stand out and get the job. it's not that another's persons misery is our happiness but i bet we all want the best for ourselves.

    camille luna♥

  2. also in my opinion i think haitians should get quality education, it's not fair for them, we're all humans and we should have all the same rights, there is nothing that differentiates us but the skin color and language.

    camille luna♥

  3. i think that everyone should receive education not the same education but yes receive education because kids from today are the future of tomorrow. i agree with luna if everyone receives the same education there would be no kind of opinions and no discussion (something i really like) and we should see world from different perspectives and different point of views


  4. I agree with you both! Everyone should receive QUALITY education no matter what race, gender, or skin color! But it's true, if everyone receives the SAME type of education, then there will be no 'competition' and it'll be more hard to get jobs!! But I really think everyone should receive QUALITY education!

    Maria A.-

  5. my opinion is that haitians receive the same education, because they can be something good to our nation or something bad(that relate the perspective that you have in haitians). the bad would be that the haitians would be more intelligent so they would not work in the construction part, so the dominican would have to look for other people and the work would be more difficult. the good part part that the nation would be that they will be treated equally because they will be sharing things weed us in the school and the racism will no exist. and be a better country:)
    elio jose delgado vales

  6. the issue is that there is no such thing as COMPLETE HAPPINESS. everything has its good and bad things. we also got that point across in the discussion.and for me to be happy maybe another person must suffer. i personally believe that's not fair but no one said life is fair. if we all get the same education, the opportunity to get jobs would be way harder and look what happens when everyone does not happen to have the same education. we would basically be in the same position because there would still be poor people because of the lack of jobs. happiness and sadness are the same thing as day and night. if the sun is rising in America, in China the night is arriving. my happiness can be others misery and there is no possible way to change that because its NATURAL. nobody planned it, it just happens that way!
    -Gaby :)

  7. everybody should have the right to education. but that aint mean they will get it. there is sadly a little thing called racism, that as far as i know will exist for ever. its like homework on a Sunday night stress full annoying and with no point at all.
    basically everybody has the right to education. oh and si tu Leonel Fernandez estas leyendo esto te quiero desir que no importa si tu no educas a la gente todavia no van a ser sufisiente estupidos para relegirte.

  8. I completely think everyone should have high quality education. The government should have no right to take that right off people. But if there is going to be high quality education for all there should also be more high quality jobs, because if theres no jobs or space to create a company, then the education would have been for nothing.
    Even though I think everyone should have that right that unfortunately doesn't mean they would get it because, as Gaby said in class, the misery of one will be the pleasure of other so people are really selfish and, like Eliana said that happens in The Giver, nobody wants to give up good things even though bad things would go away.
    I do think hatiens should recieve the same education as us here in the country and that every one recieve the same education as the people born anywhere they go, but back to hatiens, people in DR should not discriminate them because they are our brothers and sisters of land, its just a big wall dividing us, what if that wall broke? we will all be from the same place. If the Hatiens are legally here they are supposed to have all the rights a Dominican has so they have the right of education here. But also the illegal Hatiens should not have to be taken away, but they should become legal. Because in my opinion its unfair that the ones that did all their paperwork to come to DR are treated the same way as the ones that didn't.
    Also I find stupid that if we are in the same island we can't live in any of the two parts freely that we just have to, like, announce it.
    *yes, we have the right of good education all for no price
    *yes, hatiens have the right of education here, if they are legally here
    *no, hatiens should not be treated as animals if they are illegal they should have the same facility as an american to live here, and be encouraged to come legally.

  9. every one deserves the right to a quality education. We are all human and we are all born alike. A black person deserves the same amount of education as a white person, even if they have different colors. The thing that changes this is their ability to pay for the school.


  10. well everyone that dosent have money play "bitilla", is not money , because now in preent i dont have a bat,so i can play bitilla, everyone diserves the same education , we are all humans, haitians are not animals, are like dominicans but in other countrie, dark color skin diserves the same things that white people, and white people needs to be considered because if they were in their place what would they think
    and if god wanted me to me black im going to do it, because im not sammy sossa, im Jorge , and im black



  11. well.. does everyone deserve the right to a quality education?
    for suree! obviosusly everyone deserves the right to a quality education, as Maria said, and I totally agree with her, because it doesn't matter your skin color, gender, the place where you come from, if you're poor or rich, it really doesn't matter!
    Do Haitians deserve the right to a quality education in the Dominican Republic?
    Yes, because they are humans just like us, it's just that many of them don't have too much resources and can't afford to things, but they deserve a quality education.
    People create stereotypes about haitians by their skin color and many things, but they don't see the good part they have, they're just like everyone. We create stereotypes by sharing our ideas to others. I bet that if we keep our critics to ourselves, people would decrease stereotypes.
    Camille Espaillat- <3

  12. OK. I think everyone would have the same education, rich or poor, black or white, because they have the right to know how things are, poor kids have the right to know what rich kids know, the government should not give rich kids a special knowledge because they are able to pay more, because there are many people who have the more, but do not know how to use it. In the giver the Elders do not give wisdom to people because if they knew about the colors and all the things that are there in the world, then the community would not be of SAMENESS.
    The issue about the Haitians, I believe that we should NOT become a united country, because WE are DOMINICANS and they are HAITIANS, God made them that way. And because of the constant fight we can encounter in history, I believe Dominicans can’t be dominated by Haitians, even though I may have a Haitian member. But Haitians as well, must have the same education we get, because we are all humans, the same, no matter were we come from. About what Luna said, its true, we all want the best for ourselves, so that means that we are going to be in struggle for the best life, job, and family. Summarixing: Life is a competition…..
    Marla Moreta (:

  13. I think everyone deserves a good education, but if everyone gets the same type of education there will be less oportunities for everyone to get a job.

    Laura Betancourt

  14. every one deserves a good education but if evreyone has the same education their will be less oportunities for everyone in the futur.

    Laura Betancourt

  15. So, to summarize your intellectual thoughts so far, I think we can say that you all agree the one of our RIGHTS as HUMANS is to receive a quality education.
    Many of you have mentioned a difficulty would be more competition for jobs. We had a similar discussion in another class, and an 11th grade student said, "It wouldn't matter if there were more competition, because then that would motivate ME to be BETTER." Is that not how society advances? We want to be better, so we keep trying out ideas, theories, systems and inventions until we find one that works. Just some food for thought...
    Also, if everyone deserves the right to a quality education, how are we going to make that happen?
    <3 Ms. Nyitray

  16. Two things:

    I am thoroughly impressed by the caliber of expression and forthrightness that the students in 8th grade at MC School. You are privileged to attend such a school, as there are students of your same age right down the street, who have the same intellectual capacity and tenacity as many of you have demonstrated; yet, by virtue of their family's birthright, have inherited a lot of poverty. What you and those students have in common is your love for your country and zest for life.

    As you debate issues of life, politics, education etc. always remember the latter. When afforded the opportunity, do not become the oppressor. You WILL be the future leaders of the Dominican Republic and the change starts within to ameliorate years of colonialism, imperialism, dictatorship, nationalism, and racism. How do we eradicate the aforementioned variables? Through obtaining an education that exposes these "isms" for what they are and we begin to dissect them. How do we continue to be swept up in the wave of ignorance? Through denying the privilege that we are afforded to be able to learn and think critically.
    Education is key...point, blank, period!

    I miss you all!
    -Roystone Martinez
    DR Service Trip Coordinator

  17. i agree with laura everyone deserves a good education.there should be no discrimination on gay people, black, or other people.

    Luis Estepan love you ms.nyitray

  18. We may all be different in the outside, but inside of us we all have a heart. Where you're from, how much money you have, what your skin looks like.. Does not change this! We are all HUMAN after all. Discrimination is an issue since the beginning of time, & far back. Not only towards colored people! Even in Africa, different tribes would kidnap people & make them into slaves, or had constant war. Today, white is considered as "pure" or "good". For example, in Thailand, the fairer your skin is, the wealthier you are, since "you don't work in the sun". Do you realize people? It's a worldwide issue we need to solve. In the United States, not only are the black people discriminated, but Latinos (often called "Mexicans", even though we were not born there), & people from the Middle East (considered terrorists).

    BUT do NOT loose HOPE! Think of this, about fifty years ago, there was segregation in the US, but today, an African American is the PRESIDENT of the United States!

    *Hang in there!* Eliana Santos

  19. SURE! everyone deserves the same, even though there is not going to be easy to find a job anyways we have the hope that we have education that we will keep it till forever, we are all humans with all the same rights living under tha same skyyy <3

    ILOVEYOU- Astrid brea

  20. When I was like 6 or 7 years old I had a "Tarzan" movie, I loved it, I could watch it 3 times a day. The other day I saw it in Disney XD and I saw a part that I liked a lot. "When Tarzan was a kid, the other monkeys didn't accept him so he ran awy to a lake and used mud to cover his skin and his "mother" found him. Tarzan was teling her that we was different; but she took his head and puted it in her shest. "what do you hear?" mom asked. "Your heart" he answer. Then she took his hand and putted it in his shest. "what do you feel?" mom asked. "my heart" he answered. "so he both have hearts, he are the same" mom said.
    What I learned from this is that he are all the same, if we are all the same, then we deserve the same OPORTUNITIES. President Obama said "we are the change we have been waiting for" and "yes we can". SO yes, yo can make your own change for your own good. If you get everything you need, why do you have to make an efford? So, no, I don't think that everybody deserv the right to a quality education, I think that everybody deservs the opportunity to get a quality education. A lot of people can't pay for a quality education, even though they deserv it, they didn't have the OPPORTUNITY of going to the uiversity and getting a good job so they can pay for a quality education for their kids.
    "God bless America, there's no better place"
    It's prety obius that God do bless America, a place where their people can live without studying just being a truck driver, but it's because everyone have the same opportunities (almost everyone). If America would be a car, it would be a jaguar convertible, red, and with rotating rings! all of us would like to be inside that car, or better than it, having it!
    So I said, God bless Haiti, God bless Africa, God bless Japan, God bless all the countries in the world in which it's people don't get the same opportunities!
    -Victor Vargas-


  22. Sup? So Most of the people here have been complainin tht there would be less jobs if everybody had an education. But wouldnt more more educated people mean more businesses wouldnt that mean more jobs? Just sayin...
    nevertheless Leave your answers bout the above
    (/\) statement on the comment section BELloW

    Esteban Polanco (farther down!)

  23. I agree with Esteban it is ok that people dont have the money to afford a private school like we do, but at least they should have a chance to learn something. if in this country more people were intelligent than they will think about others and not just their perspective so they will help building new homes and creating jobs

    Manuel Arias

  24. Ms. Nyitray, and Roystone, I'm waiting for the other guys who came to comment, I want to see more oppinions, please. So, Roystone, please tell your students o comment (if you're not reading this....)Ms. Nyitray, please tell Roystone to tell the tudents to comment. Thanks :D

  25. so yes racism is a really huge thing right now alot of people are ok with it others are not for me personally it's not right AT ALL. but what I don't get why this started anyway? was it necessary to start this whole issue? i don't think so.
    -Jennifer M.

  26. I think everyone deserves a right to education and not only hatian but all kind of races and people of different religions, social and economical status. Everyone should be able to know the same information so that they can prosper. So they can be able to have the job that they want in the future. I think in the community they dont books other than the map book, the dictionary, and the book of rules so that everyone have the same amount of knowledge and be prepare in the same way for the future, so maybe this isn't such a bad thing. However, they choose what your going to be in the future, I think that is not right.
    Back to real world, I think everyone all around the world should get the same quality of education, one they could use for the future.
    -Alba Reynoso

  27. well about the hatian, i realy think that every person no matter what religion, color, and any type of country they diserve to have the best education that their economy may pay for them.

    -Emmanuel Rodriguez-

  28. i think everyone should be able to receive an education because its a very good help for you to have a job or have more knowledge , about haitans no they dont receive the same education cause the mayority or a really big part of the dominican population when they see the the only future they can see for the is a construction it is sad to say but is true.. AMPA~
