Monday, February 28, 2011

The Ceremony

8th grade is a BIG year, the year you "move on" to high school or graduate from middle school. You will soon celebrate this process with a ceremony in which each one of you is recognized for your abilities, talents, and strengths as an individual. In Jonas' Ceremony of Twelve a similar process happens, as we read in chapters 6-9. We often call this "moving on" a "rite of passage" or "coming of age". What other ceremonies have you had or will you have that are a "rite of passage"?

Imagine someone from a different community or culture were watching your move-on ceremony. They might find it a little strange that we have the tradition of wearing a funny-looking, flat, square hat with this little colorful string that dangles in front of the face. They may not understand why we wear a silky nightgown-like robe. Do you? (Read about it in "The History of Graduation Day"). Just like we found the community's ceremony a little different, we might find this 13-year-old Apache girl's "coming of age" unique (definitely compared to a USA-style "Super Sweet Sixteen"). The point is, every community and culture has their own way of recognizing important landmarks in life, such as the "coming of age".

What ceremonies do you/will you celebrate as you move through life?  What "rite of passage" or "coming of age" will you have? How are these similar and different to those of the community? Feel free to share here any ideas that came up in class while working with chp. 6-9, such as which Assignment you may have been given if you were a member of the community, the "timeline" of life that each community member follows, etc. Make sure to check out all the links above so you can use those to help enhance your ideas and comment!


  1. Ceremonies. oh how i hate them i just hate them because they are so boring and with no sense for everything they do a ceremonies. I dont thimk that has sense. were graduating to high school so what it aint gonna be different.

    Luis Estepan.

  2. first, i really like ceremonies but i also agree with luis. sometimes they make them very boring. i believe ceremonies close another chapter of my life.some of the ceremonies or rite of passage i´ve had until now are the following: baptism, i can read ceremony, first communion. some i´ll have in a future: moving on ceremony, high school graduation, college graduation, marriage,funerals :(, etc.
    as you, ms. nyitray said before, the ceremony of 12 is similar to school ceremonies.
    funerals are similar to release ceremonies.
    the difference between the community and our world(about ceremonies) is that they only celebrate or honor some things like age and release.


  3. In the videos you can see that in diffferent parts of the world there are different cultures, like in USA you have a sweet sixteen like its the BANG you like.... "old enough""=, here its "los quinces". so like everybody has different traiditions on when is your coming of age, i would consider that mine is when I move out of my house, away from my parents, because its a step to my independent future.
    When we were reading ch, 6-9 actually I was thinking, OMG finally WE as 8th gradedrs are going to graduate and we are going to be a further step to adulthood. We hve to enjoy this part of life, cause its only once. And =I can't believe that in the community there is a certain clothe you were every year, like seriously, don't they get bored of having and looking at the same sweaters and pants always....Like man... that's harsh.... :p Also it sucks that they can't choose their own assignments, 'because what if they don't like it.. that's bad, i would rather pick something I enjoy doing.

    MarlaMoreta <3

  4. ceremonies: middle school graduation, high school graduation, college graduation and my weeding :D
    rite of passage or coming of age: when i turn into an adult i will receive "la cedula" and my ceremony will be to celebrate that night... i thing none of my ceremonies, rite of passage or coming of age are different from those of the community... :D
    Alfonso Medina

  5. every city has different traditions doesn't matter which they are, what matters is that we celebrate them. it's true ceremonies are BORING and make me want to go to sleep, though it's different if you try to make it unique and different not as usual, like in the book all kids go through the same things, and that's what makes ceremonies boring if there's always sameness.
    ceremonies I've gone through: kindergarten graduation, first communion, (i don't remember any other one)
    ceremonies i'll go through in the future: move on ceremony, graduate from high school, finish college, when i do a master, etc...

    camille luna♥

  6. I agree with ALL of you guys; especially Luis, Gaby, and Marla :D It's true; some ceremonies can be a tad BORING!!! Besides, it's true, the Community has some thing that are like us; for example, in the ceremony of Twelves, is just like our coming soon; move-on ceremony! :D And also, very true, people have different cultures, f.e;here we celebrate our 'quinces' that are Dominican traditions n' stuff; but; in the U.S they make their 'sweet sixteen' in which they they all make the 'hottest' parties. But, one thing they have in common are the funerals &marriages! ;D


  7. For me ceremonies are important. they might be a little boring sometime but they simbolize that you have changed to another way of life. there different types of ceremonies and different reasons for them, but they are all important. But this is just my opinion.
    an example off a ceremony is the wedding. is one of the most important and it means that you are going to live with one man you love for the rest of your life.
    Laura Betancourt

    ~DANIE ELI ♥

  9. ceremonies might be graduations, birthdays, weddings, promotions(in job).
    They are similar because they celebrate our accomplishments and what we have gone through and different in the stile that they are celebrated. Here they celebrate one person or group, there they celebrate many people or groups


  10. For me the "Rite of passage" is a celebration that you'll do when you are bigger. For example: when you are about to get married yo make a bachelor party to celebrate that your leaving away one part of your life and becoming more responsible when you are talking about kids, work, marriage, wedding, house, etc...

    Manuel Arias

  11. well; through life, we'll pass by different graduations.
    First, when we were kids, to move to elementary, we had a graduation! From kinder to first grade [so beautiful :')] Then, we we'll have our move on ceremony, in which we'll move to high school this year hopefully and then, our graduation in which we'll be free from school :D. After this, we'll go to college and we'll graduate from there, too. As life goes on, we'll face different stages and more things. As many of my classmates said before, we'll get married and make parties and things.. many people make such big deals with 15's and 16's as you mentioned before.We'll become more responsible and things will go on.
    Camille Espaillat <3

  12. uggggg!!!!! I was commenting from 8:30pm to 9:30pm and i lost it!!!!!!!! :@ :@ :@ :'( :'(
    I'm writing it again:@ ugggggg
    -:@ :@ Victor :@ :@-

  13. Life in this moments depends on the way you are, and what you do; a lot of ceremonies you have to do to be accepted in society. For example almost every mother and father make a huge party for their kid in the first year of life, like in the Community the giving out with the names... Later comes "I can read" one from first grade where you demonstrate your new skills. Just like in the Eight ceremony you start showing by volunteering. Then he Move-on that is still compared to the Eight. Later comes (here in DR) the 15 that means you are actually growing up to become an adult and privileges start just later at sixteen: ID (even though for minor) and licence and some start to work at stores and fast food places. Just like nine and twelve: bikes and jobs. but not even in the community it ends. After years you become eighteen an adult where in the real world you can move out and marry, have kids... Just as in the community you get an own dwelling and apply for kids.
    But here I'm just mentioning the fun part all this comes with a series of works to do like studying harder, paying bills, taking care of kids...

  14. but also at 18 you get responsibilities like finish your studies for a good job (:

    -sorry I forgot

  15. Ok, I’m not crying anymore, so I will try to remember everything that I wrote the last time….
    First, we are born; a lot of people happy, but you are crying....
    Then, you have your first day of school; that’s our first ceremony, a lot of people crying for happiness (our mothers…) and of fear (us…); it’s the day you know your new “amiguitos”…..
    Then, you move from the kinder to 1st grade, now, you won’t see anyone crying, only a lot of windows in our mouths smiling to 25 different cameras….
    Now, you move from 8th grade to 11th grade!!! (The best times of my life!!!) Now you know things that you didn’t knew before and friends are your world (love you all guys).
    Then, high-school!!! (It will be awesome, I hope…)
    So, we keep going and in 12th grade you are done; now you move from school to the university!! Even though it sounds awesome to finish school, it’s not that cool; I love school, school is where the magic happens, where you know people that you will love the rest of your life, is the place where you can share with your friends, and you might me thinking that you could share with friends in parties, but in school you still talking about it with people that didn’t go…. But going out to the real world, where you have to start to worry about studies, jobs, money….. But you also get FREEDOM!!! So it has some magic also….
    In the next stage you finish university, and you get your first job….now you win money, and you can govern your own life!
    Then you get married; now it’s not only you, it’s them (referring to you and your pattern); but you have to choose well, because that’s the person that is suppose to be in your side for the rest of your life.
    Then you finish your life, your last ceremony… a lot of people always go there, but this time, you will be happy and a lot of people will be crying (you will be happy because you ended your life…)
    Now, in “The Community”:
    First you are born, but you won’t see your mother again; this is so unfair! Your mom doesn’t have the right to LOVE you (this is an example of the feeling that they treat as a disease….)
    Then, you star to go to school where in your 1st year of school, they teach you “precision of language”… At this age school is suppose to be for fun, and eating, and sleeping, and for fun! But they take the funny stuff away and give children “precision of language”…..!
    Then, you will be moving from stuff like using “back-buttoned jacket” to use “front-buttoned jackets”….
    Then, at 12, you get your “job”…. They don’t even ask you!!! You just got to do what they tell you to do…. People don’t have the “right” to “choose” their “decisions”….. But I love the next part…..
    Now, you join the person that you are assign…. You can’t even choose who will be your patter, someone who is suppose to be with you the rest of your life, and you can’t choose her/him!!!!
    Then you don’t die, you go to the “House of the Olds” and you wait there the day that you will be release….

    - If I would be living in “The Community” I would be release so many times ago….. I can’t live with all those rules, I love to feel, even that sometimes you feel angry (like I was feeling), but our feelings make us humans; our feelings are the best part of us, and in “The Community”, people have lost their feelings. I’m revolutionary when I don’t like something, and I don’t like “The Community”……. I refuse to leave away my RIGHT to CHOOSE…..

  16. Victor, I feel your pain... I was just finishing up a comment and "se fue la luz" and "se fue my comment" along with it!

    To all of you, what I was saying was that I think you surpassed MY POST both in your thoughts and connections and in the ways you express them. Therefore, I am going to pull some quotes as "food for thought" for those of you who have not commented, or those of you who have but would like to continue the discussion...

    "When we were reading ch, 6-9 actually I was thinking, OMG finally WE as 8th gradedrs are going to graduate and we are going to be a further step to adulthood" (Moreta).

    "For me ceremonies are important. they might be a little boring sometime but they simbolize that you have changed to another way of life" (Betancourt).


    "Life in this moments depends on the way you are, and what you do; a lot of ceremonies you have to do to be accepted in society" (Adams).

    "If I would be living in “The Community” I would be release so many times ago….. I can’t live with all those rules, I love to feel, even that sometimes you feel angry (like I was feeling), but our feelings make us humans; our feelings are the best part of us, and in “The Community”, people have lost their feelings" (Vargas).

    Also, you all made some great comparisons between the rites of passage in our lives and those of the community... similar yet at the same time sooo different. Talking about theme, why do you think Lois Lowry did this?

    :) Ms. Nyitray

  17. Ceremonies, one of the things that you will always keep, why? because in each of then not only birthday wedding ect you celebrate something but because you know that if you celebrated is because you are worth it and that you work to get there. we can say LIFE IS A CEREMONIE, thay make one me you born and one wheen you are gonee..

    i wouldnt like to live in the community, too much rules, and one of the most important ceremonies in life marriage, wedding NO LOVE, NO SMILE, NO SMILE, NO LIFE so pleasee lets thanks today for what we have,and that even though we are not perfect we are but in our different way sorry to those who only come to the world to tell you "ai tu si ere fea" guys nevermind is that they have " no oficio" soo live for today..

    i totaally disagree with the " perfect world" - the community

    - Astrid Brea <3

  18. they cant get marrieeeed x_x i forgot writing it :*

  19. well i dont like ceremonys, first like the one we will have to pass to high school waoo is like everyone pases another grradde is the same thing, exept in 12th grade because in 12 you are leaving thats better but you still need to wait 4 years of homework, teachers, projects , tests , failing and all that, that dosent have sence


  20. oh ceremonies.Yay who doesnt love em...... ME! betcha dont either... so ceremonies are a celebration of a time in your life ending and starting another one. cant really say much here sorry


  21. ceremoniess. what are they supposed to mean? a big hour-long celebration in which people get recognizions, of course it's nice to be recognized for what've done but that doesn't make you any better. just enjoy what you've done.
    -Jennifer M.

  22. well i like the ceremonies because i meet new people, eat and talk. so i weel consider them very good

  23. eliodelgado
    well i like the cremonies because i meet new people, eat and talk so i weel consider them very good

  24. I dont realy think that we need any ceremony to move on cause it is only a party with a ramdom theme, but their type of ceremony is different to ours because when we have our move on ceremony we only party and the n we get to another level. But when they do their move on ceremony they dont just level up, they have an assignment too. For ex. Jonas, he was in his ceremony but he didnt just leveled up, he also took his new assignment.

    -Emmanuel Rodriguez-

  25. Move on ceremony is to express that you can have a bigger responsability, and that you actually know what is going to happend, so i think that a time of asking questions cause you don't know what you are going to do in "future" ......... I think that in the community everything is so perfect that it isn't and like we don't do all that stuff and our world is worst but better :P


  26. ceremonies coul de boring as jennifer said what woul ceremonies do? you get recognize for something and it is good to know it but then u are there and theres a time were you just feel like omgg i really want to go and it would be difficelt for me that u need to pass to so many ceremonies in the community . ~ AMPA.

  27. In our lives we will go through many different types of ceremonies. some will be huge others small, but all will be important for us, or lives, and our future. Some of this ceremonies are preschool, middle school, and high school graduations, college, weddings, moving with someone, buying your first car, and a bunch of others.
    In ceremonies we are always require to use some type of special clothing or act a certain way. For examples, in graduation we have to were the long gowns, and that squared hat with a colorful string hanging from the top to our face. I think this is to makes us feels special, is a sign that we have gain knowledge and therefore earned a place in life. It makes others see us special.
    In the community there is "The Ceremony of Twelve" where twelve aged boys and girls are given the assignments that they have to do all their lives. This is similar when you graduate from college. After that you will work in your career for the rest of your life. Though, in college you're able to choose the career you want but in "The Community" their lives are given to them.
    Also, people in real life have to fight (but not literally fighting, like punching each other) to get a job because many people can choose the career so life is harder. But real life teaches you you should fight for what you want in life and for what you deserve.

    -Alba Reynoso
