Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Color Divide

Don't we all wish that the world could follow Micheal Jackson's famous words, "It don't matter if you're black or white"?

The problem is that skin COLOR is an easy way to DIVIDE people. It's visible, just like eye color in "A Class Divided", the video we saw today.

In these videos, did eye color CAUSE divisions in class, or was it the MEANING that the teacher (the person in power) put to eye color that caused them?
In society, does skin color cause divisions, or is it the meaning that society puts to skin color that causes the divisions? Do you think the people in power help to form and keep these meanings going?

Now, let's think about the societal problems you mentioned today that are caused by dividing people by color (whether it is eye color, skin color, hair color, etc). Some of those "color" problems are: racism, discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice... the list goes on (and on and on).

In Chapter 12 of The Giver, we discover the community's "solution" to these problems:
"There was a time, actually-you'll see this in the memories later-when flesh was many different colors. That was before we went to Sameness" (Lowry 94).
When Jonas asks why colors disappeared, the Giver responds, "Our people made that choice, the choice to go to Sameness. Before my time, before the previous time, back and back and back. We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with differences... We gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others" (Lowry 95). 

So, is the PROBLEM in the COLORS themselves? Do we need to eliminate different skin colors to eliminate racism, etc.? Or is the PROBLEM in what skin color MEANS? Think about the video in the previous post (Perspectives on Life). Is the problem between Haitians and Domincans the NATIONALITY or is it what MEANING we give these nationalities? What (historically, culturally, socially, etc.) causes "The Color Divide" in society? Why does it (still) exist? What can we do to eliminate it, without going Giver-style and sacrificing colors?


  1. I think the division in skin color is the meaning that people put to the because, if we would see a person simply as a person instead of the color they are, there would be no divisions. The problem we have to eliminate is not colors, like in the giver, but eliminate the meaning we give them . The problem between dominicans and haitians is most probably historical, because they enslaved us.

  2. sorry, forgot to write name.


  3. it is true, is not the color the problem, it's the meaning you give to it. people don't realize this, so they just think that by eliminating skin color they will find a solution to this problem. there is were the BIG ISSUE takes place. if you eliminate skin colors, they're still other differences that people can take advantage of. then they eliminate color. they eliminate something extremely beautiful just because a little issue that turns big because even though we have the capacity to solve it ourselves, people decide to be ignorant.that is why racism will never end. because there is always going to exist a minimum difference.
    -Gaby :)

  4. It's with the meaning, even though people don't realize it, for example, in the video, you saw that one day, the blue eyes were 'superior', and the next day, the brown eyes were 'superior'. And it's surprising how those kids applied it so fast! One day, they were all saying 'brownie' or 'bluie' or 'greenie'(just made it up) and didn't get offended or anything, but then, they were all divided,left out, or hit! It's amazing how people apply what they hear soo fast...

    The ACTUAL problem is what skin color means to YOU, because everyone has different perspectives, but on racism, well, let's just say that MOST of the people have the same idea..
    Anyways, everything is possible, but, eliminating racism, that's going to take A LONG time! I mean, like 10 million people?! I just think some of these things mess up the world.


  5. In my opinion, and most of the class opinion, too, I think, the division in skin color is the meaning that people put to it, because, people see other people by their skin color and not like another person. like when the teacher make them beleive that the blue eyes are superior or the brown eyes were superior and then the kids believed it and just made it part of there lives. if it was the other way there wouldn't be racism, prejudice, etc. what we need is to eliminate the meening we give to the colors, not the colors itself.

    Laura Betancourt

  6. First just like I have said in previous posts the object is not the guilty it is the one who manages it.
    There is a lot of things society does to keep people separated they look for anything that make people "different in a bad way"
    So, yes I think it is societys fault for trusting everything one stupid guy thinks of.
    And about the Giver I am dying to say something that is in later chapters but I shouldn't, so I'll just say they eliminated colors because they lead to wrong thoughts.

  7. Yes, I would love that people could follow Michael jackson's song, because then the world wouldn't be racist or discriminatory, even the video is well done, 'cause he shows that watever color your skin is, we are all humans and the same. In the videos you showed us in class, it was the MEANING that the teacher put to the eye color that caused divisions, because before they all were treated the same and treated each other the same way, but as soon as the teacher told them that blue-colored eyes or brown-eyed are superior or inferior the students changed, and treated each other the way the teacher told them to. So yeah, its the peoiple who have powerr that has made these divisions in society and we just follow along.Actually, th eproblem is the MEANING that people have given to the skin colors. If we elinate the maning that society has given skin colors, and just be neutral with that topic, meaning that either blaxk or white we should all be treated the same. The problem with haitians and dominicans is that haitians once dominated us, dominicans, so we have stayed with that thought and they have taught us that they were mean to us, so then many of us, would just apply that to ALL haitians, which is wrong. It stiill exists because people seem to want things to be left the same, and its only of advantage to white people, for example a black guy is most likely to be thought to be a criminal than a white guy. To eliminate this color divided society without giving away colors is to just foirget what history or soiciety says and start believing waht we belief, like not discriminate or be different to iothers just beacuie of their skin tone.

  8. MEANING we give these nationalities id historically, culturally, socially, etc.) that causes "The Color Divide" in society?

    it still exist cause society is not able to get over it, IS JUST COLOOOR..omygod i can be black and i still intelligent im white and kinda blonde and im not dumb so my gosh get over it, i can be 101 percent sure that i you get to know one of the "black stupid people" you will regret of talking so mucho !@#$%^&^%$#

    iloveyoou-Astrid brea

  9. If Michael Jackson though that it doesn't matter if you are white or black, why did he became white? it's prety easy to protect the discriminated side when you are in the other, where you are safe from every type of discrimination.
    "We'd expected this white guy to be original. But he was yet another white guy who showed up on the rez because he loved Indian people SOOOOOOOO much."(Sherman Alexie "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian"-a great book!)
    Michael was black, if he thought that it doesn't matter, why did he changed his skin color?
    Society hadn't give any meaning to colors, people in power did. Froom the time of the Colonies, white people had slaves; they were the people in power and they wanted to keep it.
    I don't know why, but in the world are some (stupid) people who feel bad with themselves and try to feel better by mmaking other feel worst.
    -Victor Vargas-

  10. in every word victor said he is right, because if color didn't matter why michael jackson changed from black to white, it has no sense. the truth is that it depends on perspective, but it also depends on what people believe, because some people take what others say and believe it. that's what happens with discrimination because if you are with some who doesn't like black people i can bet you are going to act like them just to fit in and be liked.
    what we need to do isn't to eliminate colors, because colors give a beautiful perspective to life, but to change ourselves what we think.

    camille luna♥

  11. I'm just saying, Victor and Luna, Michael became 'white' because he had, like white huge spots all over his body(it's and illness BTW.) and he couldn't cover it w/make up of his skin because the spots still were noticed. And the only way he had to hide them was w/ white makeup. Besides, I guess he didn't care what other people said about him.

    I researched it!

  12. people are racist, end.


  13. In the video a class divided we saw that just that idea that eyes color make you better changes the whole sub conscience in oneself like if you are a kid that is in its learning phase, and you are told that you are inferior to your partner because you have brown eyes just with that idea you feel it, not consciously but your mind starts playing games on you without you even noticing

    Manuel Arias(P.S. Negros rule)

  14. skin shade dosent mater, its you teeth that do.
    JK it is true people are divided by skin shade, but its like dividing book by its title. it dosent mater.

  15. it's complicated it's not going to end in a while but we should at least try by ourselves to do so.
    -jennifer m.

  16. well is that this problem is going to go go go and GO. until a group a big big group stands and rebel into the world so we can stop thisss

    elio delgado...

  17. well mostly of the people on the united states are racist. here dominican republic is not so racist. actually people will not stop racism until theres peace in other countrys.

    Luis Estepan

  18. well i think that if people want to judge other people its fine, but what peaces me off is the way peple take this judgements to make the one being judge feel bad! I am not going to have all people telling me that i'm black but i will oviously will notice that people try to avoid me, and by me knowing that i'm black the first thing i will think of is a person afraid of me just because i'm different, but they have no idea the we're all different at the outside, just at the outside.

    -Emmanuel Rodriguez-

  19. Well i sincerly think that racism is a comun fact in our society, cause if you see someone "black" and you are "white" you want to go away because you think he wants to mugg you, You know that is not true that many of the biggest thugs are "white" so actually white people is worst than "black" people...

    Here in DR there's racism everywhere even if our neighbors are "black" ...

    Actually Blacks are smarter than we are but we don't want to realized it...

    We want to think that "WHITE IS BETTER" than black... But "BLACK IS 100 TIMES BETTER" than white :P

    We have to know that people is the same and the way we express with other count and we have to see what we say, cause words are mean even if you don't want to use them.


  20. color dividing is stupid. it's just an excuse for weakass white people to have privilages over strong badass black people. there should be no difference between people. god created different races because of our different tastes and for us to find what's beautiful to us, not for there to be divisions

    -danie eli ♥-

  21. For me is not the people in power that divide us just so that it can be easier to control us, but us. We, ourselves dived us in races and discriminate each other. Why? Is just they way we were brought up. Im not telling that you are a bad person or your parents are bad people, is just that it's the way we react to things we out thinking, is kind of automatic and don't get me wrong, I don't support discrimination, Im totally agains it but how are we suppose to change who we are. Well, yes we can, but it's not going to be easy, or just in the blink of an eye. It will take a lot of work and a lot of generations to change the way we think. No we don't have to eliminate colors, or skin color to say it like that but erase those thoughts from people's minds.
    (This ideas don't include brain washing)

    -Alba Reynoso

    For all of the questions, the answers is THE MEANING people give to it.
    It doesn't matter if your black or white, the color of your eyes or any other physical aspect! The problem is the MEANING the people give to it.
    We don't need to eliminate the colors because for me the diffrent colors look preety. It will be boring having the same monotony and watching the same thing over and over again.
    Obviously the people in power definitively change the point of viwe of others. For example, the teacher applied different thing to each color of eye people to see how others feel when they are discriminated.
    And Ms.Nyitray helps us alot to stop this. We share all of our ideas and then she helps us eliminate something that's not right. <3
    ~Camille Espaillat<3

  23. these divisons that we had like segregation were things that society create to differentiate people from skin color, economic status, religion, etc... like for example in this class the teacher creates the division but it wasn't really because of their eye color, it was for its meaning.
    Alfonso Medina
