Thursday, March 31, 2011


"Memories are forever" (Lowry 144).

What do you think? Use evidence to support your answer from both The Giver and your life.

Here is a song for you to enjoy (about memories). Check out the lyrics.

Thank you, all, for creating very happy memories for me in class!


  1. It actually depends on the type of memory you would like to save, but it's true, weather you like it or not, bad memories and good memories stay in your mind forever, so I kinda agree with Lois Lowry.

    - Maria A.

  2. I think this is partly through. Memories are forever, but only as long as they are remembered and if the memory doesn't change. Because only one person can remember their memory, and if he dies, his memories disappear.Even if you don't die, but simply forget, and nobody remembers it is like it never happened, because with me, when I had the accident, I know it happened, but I don't have the memory, so for me' it is like it never happened.


  3. well, some memories last forever but the one that you dont like are the ones how you think more about them, so they drive you crazy. but the memories arent forever because if you tell it to a person they will no know it as you know it soo they arent forever


  4. Well i think memories aren't forever like we can see in the picture someday memories will all vanish away and we need someone to retain them

    Manuel Arias

  5. Memories are the things that will be forever in your life, those good memories are those who makes you happy when ypu are in a bad mood or sad or angry. Memories are those things you will ALWAYS remember, like when you are in kindergarten, in a party, having a good time, or even when someone died. They may be good or bad but you will always have at least a whisp of memories of them. In the Giver i think that people should have memories, because they are so important, people would be able to feel love and happiness, but of course with the good things, bad things also come, anger and sadness.

    "Memories don't live like people do
    They always remember you
    Wether things are good or bad, its just the memories"
    This verse of the song explains memories very well.

    About what Navvier said its true people won't know about the memory if they die, BUT the memories of the people will always remain in their HEARTS, even though other people like friends and family would not know the their memories are always there and its a secret for the person to keep. <3

    Marla Moreta :)

  6. well, i personally think that memories are forever. some disagree because they don't remember things from when they were little, but i believe that those are not memories because when you are little you don't know anything about life. you are just a kid in a "perfect world" where there is gold after a rainbow, unicorns exist and everything is pink. i don't think those could be called memories. just because you remember something doesn't mean its a "memory". i believe memories have the characteristics of being remembered and been felt all over again. for example: i remember detail from when i was 3 years old, but i don't remember what i felt in that moment so for me that is not a memory. i remember when i left the STS(saint thomas school) i remember everything. if i think about it, i live that experience all over again.
    In the giver, all of those remembers are called memories because, even though Jonas did not "personally live it", he felt it.

  7. in real life you can't pass memories to other people like in The Giver, if you die with your memories, they will be lost for ever, you may say that you can keep them even in heaven, but memories are made to be shared, if you never do, your mmemories will be lost with you. So I agree in one part, memories are for ever if you share them.
    -Victor Vargas-

  8. Memories can last forever, but you cant remember,you can't pass memories to others like in the giver. I think that if you die with memories , your soul will have your memories , yo will no lose it, you will always have it. Memories are good :)


  9. I do think memories are forever, because even though we don't remember them sometimes they are still there in the 95% of the brain that is unconscious, that is why sometimes you do and in other moments you don't remember what happen, because they come out in certain moments.

    I also think that we pass memories to others, maybe not putting the hand in the persons back but, just by narrating
    it to them because maybe I say I went to Disney and I describe the place and the feelings of the games, so that person can have an idea of how your trip has, but they stay with that idea of the trip and is like you passed them a memory of Disney..


  10. I also think that memories are forever like sons says "they will always remember you"- for example you can die but memories don't... And that is what make memories special- they are forever- even if they are good memories or bad ones :D
    Alfonso Medina

  11. well i think that memories should lastforever but only good memories i also think that bad memories should not even be calles memories. bad things should just not happen and YAA!and that a day passes and youforget about it and that goog memories stay in your head forever and ever and if you could pass memories to other people like they do it in the giverlife would not be good and it would be boring well thae pint is that bad things should not happen in the world so there would not be bad memories


  12. Memories aren't exactly for ever they are for as much as you can remember and you never remember them as they really were, not like in the giver so is not true for me.
    Laura Betancourt

  13. imagine a delete a file and it goes to the recycling bin if you click it when its on the recycling bin you can restore it...

    Esteban Polanco

  14. memories are not completely forever, there will be sometime were you are going to forget them, whether they are good or bad. as esteban said your brain is like a computer everything you learn stays there as if you are saving a document, as if you forget something is like you are puting the document in the recycle bin.

    in the end those memories you will always remember are those memories who changed your life, your way of thinking, your perspective, those who took you to do a big step in life.

    camille luna♥

  15. memories are forever, it's just that we forget most of them as we grow. for example, we would not remember things we did when we were little [like 1 year or months] unless someone reminds us what we did, but still we will not know what we did exactly. But if you really liked a moment [doesn't matter if we had like 4 or 5 years] we will remember it. example: when I was little, like 5 years, I exactly remeber 2 things that will remain forever. some memories will always be in your mind, but maybe you won't always remeber them.
    ~ Camille Espaillat♥

  16. memories are cool. and yea they kinda do last for ever considering you die with them, or you forget them, or you get Altimers.
    the only THATGUY47

  17. memories do last forever but the thing is memories are all in the back of our heads we need a certain reason to remember most of them so it all depends on the topic you're talking about.

    Jennifer M.
