Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What is Love?

Valentine's Day: The day of love and friendship. On this day, everyone celebrates the "power of love" by giving cards, chocolates, flowers, balloons, teddy bears... while chocolate distributors, card stores, and flower shops everywhere rejoice. But the question is, what exactly are we celebrating on this holiday? WHAT IS LOVE?

Here's what the "Top Ten Love Songs of 2010" say about love:
Top Ten Love Songs of 2010-Hub Pages 
(NOTE: This is not MY opinion).

You all did a VERY impressive job of describing this sensation in class, without using any of the traditional words we usually do, just as Lois Lowry did in Chapter 5 of The Giver. (On a side note, please feel free to share any of those descriptions here, or descriptions you like from your favorite songs). In Chapter 5, we read about Jonas' first "stirrings". He describes a dream in which he has that feeling of "wanting" another person. *Sigh* Jonas, can't we all relate? He describes this feeling as being pleasurable, and wanting to feel this way again. *Sigh* Jonas, don't we all? Sorry about that pill...

So, the questions that remain:
1. What does it feel like to love someone?
2. Is this a PROBLEM for a "perfect society"? Why/Why not?
3. By eliminating "stirrings" with a pill, what societal problems does "The Community" avoid?
4. Is there any potential harm to "The Community" by eliminating "stirrings"? Explain.

(I would like to remind you to answer in the format you wish, but please keep your comments PG and put your name so you get credit for your work).
Much love to you all!


  1. loving someone i cannot describe because i've never LOVED before but i think it wouldn't be a problem at all to a perfect society. i think a perfect society needs love. but the problems the community are trying to avoid are sex, teenage pregancy, abortion, etc. there would be a harm for the community if they elimnated the pills but not REAL problems, it's just that the whole system would be ruined.
    Danie Eli

  2. 1. What does it feel like to love someone?
    Love is a very little word compared to the power of its meaning. To love someone is to see the unperfect person perfectly.It's when you trust the other with your life and when you would do anything for each other. To love someone is to care for someone even if the worst things had happen. To love someone is to think about that person constantly even if you and him have a disagreement. To love someone is trying to make that person truly happy without mattering what it takes because you care about that person. To love someone to confide that person with all your secrets because you know that person is going to accept you and love you the way you truly are.

    2. Is this a PROBLEM for a "perfect society"? Why/Why not?
    As i commented in the previous post, I think their is no such thing as an achievable perfect society, because its compounds will depend on each's perspective. For My perfect world I think love is a vital thing. It gives life purpose and meaning. Love helps people connect with each other and help each other. It makes the world less individualistic. It also makes the world more peaceful and a safer place ti live in.

    3. By eliminating "stirrings" with a pill, what societal problems does "The Community" avoid?
    Children outside of marriage, sexual abuses, unwanted pregnancies, broken hearts, depression, stress, lack of sleep, fear of rejection, and million other things.

    4. Is there any potential harm to "The Community" by eliminating "stirrings"? Explain.
    I think that, as always, everything has it pros and contras."The Community" can experience harm because habitants can feel empty inside even though they might not know how to describe the feeling. The development of a happy person will not be the same as a sad one. People with love in their lives will be physically, emotionally, socially better.
    alba reynoso

  3. weeell. interestingg ;)
    1. to love someone from my perspective is to see an "imperfect person perfectly", to feel that that person turns your world upside down, feel a lot of butterflies in your tummy, when your heart beats are the fastest you have ever feel in your life, to get desperate when that person doesn't talk to you and you feel the need to talk, when you express all of what you feel, to love someone is to FEEL; that's why it's a FEELING. There are many types of love, such as familiar love, love between peers, girlfriends& boyfriends, unconditional love, it's to make a garden to give all of your roses to your valentine and make a chocolate factory to give all the chocolates to her/him.
    2. no! it's not a problem for a perfect society! but maybe it is in 'The Giver' because they aren't allowed to have relations and have rules of how to have babies and much more things about love that aren't allowed, but in MY perfect world love is something you need because you need someone that will always be there for you and help you in all the moments, and I don't care what they do with that love [as long as there's no violence and/or abuse, everything is fine]. LOVE is something you can't avoid, people use to say the need to get over others, but "easy said that done", and the more you try to avoid, the more you feel the need of loving.
    3. Well, I don't agree with the pills, because it's not right to avoid something that is happening to you and that is normal! problems to take the pill away is that you have relations with the person you like, which is not allowed in that community and you'll break a rule and you can face problems.. so in this case of The Giver.. I recommend you to take the pill if you don't want to have problems :)
    4. Maybe no [in The Giver]because that's why pills were created, so it will be no problem if they eliminate the strings, but in my perfect world maybe yes, because for me it's normal to get those stirrings because it's a natural thing that happens in humans!
    Camille Espaillat<3~

  4. i think that to love somebody doesn't really mean that you have that ¨wanting¨ for someone. to love somebody could mean that you want good things to happen to that person. that wanting that jonas had about fiona was just the change of hormones that jonas had. he is hitting puberty.
    i totally agree with danie eli. she said exactly what i commented in class. what the community is trying to do is to avoid a lot of problems. we, as humans that live in an¨unperfect world¨, think of sex as just a moment you spend with someone you like ¨demonstrating him or her¨ your love by having sexual relationships. literally, without sex there is no life, because then how would we be ¨created¨? but sex provoques a lot of really unperfect things. STI,teenage pregnancy, rape just to name a few.

  5. Love is hard to explain but I can tell you that love not necessarily needs to be between boyfriend and girlfriend, it could also be like family love and things like that. And I think that "the Community" needs Love. but they are doing good on avoiding teenage sex, abortion, over population, etc...

  6. I am VERY impressed with the depth and maturity of your comments so far! Like I said in class, how old are you all, again? 40?
    I agree with you when you say that "love is a very little word compared to the power of its meaning" (Reynoso). Many of you commented on the different meanings and forms it can take: family love, friendship, love for a boyfriend or girlfriend, (love of a teacher for her students)... In fact, I was HOPING you would bring this up, because now I have more questions for you: What kind of "love" are Jonas' stirrings? Are they even "love" at all??
    <3 Ms. Nyitray

  7. I completely AGREE with all of your comments!! Actually, Love doesn't have a definition...Why? Well EVERYONE has their own opinion of Love. For me, love is when you think about that special person, and do anything you can to make him/her happy!(BTW; you guys seem to be in love!(Alba&Camille E..:P jk.) But it doesn't necessary have to be for a special someone! It can be for families,friends,teachers,etc..

    Love isn't actually something wrong; its CRUCIAL for the world! What would it be of our world without love? I guess it would be pretty darn messed up..

    Well, in 'The Community' If stirring were eliminated, there will be sex with no marrige, raping, STD's,STI's, etc.. lot's of stuff to go there.

    Actually, the real question is; Is there any potential harm to "The Community" by KEEPING "stirrings"? Well, the answer is NO.Why? Well what would be 'love' without that special feeling of wanting?


  8. Valentines day is described as the LOVE day of partners, but it isn't, its a day to remember your friends and special times you had with them, but because of this, people without partner feel bad, but they shouldn't they should be happy anyways they still have friends who to spend it with. and why not give them a gift? yes, that means you love them, but only as a friend. And, there are some special love songs you listen to on valentines, so? this doesn't mean you need a partner, because there's also friendship songs you can hear.

    I know stirrings may cause the community problems, but the problem with the pills is that it doesn't only remove the feeling of wanting it seems like it also remove the feeling of love.

    1. as I have heard love is just an undescriptable feeling when you get attracted really hard to someone
    2. Because just like Maria said it will bring marriage, raping...

    *I actually don't see Jonas' community as perfect just because it has no pain or problems, because this things are what make the world perfect, the only things is the world has abused of it. And WHAT THE HELL WAS LOIS LOWRY THINKING IN A WORLD WITHOUT LOVE? I know it brings problem but if could make a climate control ( i'm sorry to bring this up before time, but I had to :) ) , why not a love control?

    3. Almost all problems we have now: fights, diseases, break ups, rape, poverty...
    4.Not for them because they basically don't have feelings.

    I know my thoughts are kind of crazy but I give love 2 meanings
    - about friendship
    -about attraction

  9. 1. to love someone is to find the perfect person that is trustworthy and faithful, beacuse you can't say your feelings and most deep thoughts to every one.it's when the only thing that's in your mind is that person you can't stop thinking about and looking at.that when you see tht person it's like being in paradise, out of this world.

    2. not at all. love it's like water, it's vital, without it it's like being in jonas community, in a black and white world. because it's what brings us together and makes the world safer, because we get to care and protect for each other.

    3.sexual abuses, raping, unwanted pregnancies, broken hearts, lack of sleep, fear of rejection, children outside of marriage, betray

    4.it wouldn't be the same because with the pills they won't feel the same as without the pills. without the pills you will feel physically, socially, and emotionally happier and better.and love wouldn't be the same without those feelings, it would be more tough

    camille luna

  10. 1- when you love someone something in your life is different, you are not liking that person as a friend anymore... this time is something that really means something different for your heart
    2- love is not a problem for a perfect society... it is like the basic to form that society. without love in can't be a the "perfect society"
    3- it avoid womens to get pregnant and have their own child without adopting him\her
    4- yes because they are hiding something very important to the community avoiding the stirrings
    Alfonso Medina

    To love someone is to feel good about having thats someone with the one you can share all that you have insidee all that a friend couldnt hanlde. :D

    yes is a problem because in a perfect world without love wouldnt be perfect.

    maybe they avoid rapes, and all that stuff, but in a ''perfect world'' the most important thing we need is LIBERTY of thinking acting and expressing

    it is because to love is A BIG DEAL for them, thats something they ''dont even know, dont even feel''

    ILOVEYOU ALL <3 Astrid Brea

  12. loving someone makes a big change in your life, even though the word is just a word you are connected to it becausecause you've known "love" throughout this word. As Astrid said it is a very good feeling that you knw you have someone that maakes you happy, at least half of the time, it is also well known that love dont just makes peaple happy but it has many conflicts in a relationship too. If you're looking for the perfect crush, you may find it but remember that nothing is perfect without inperfections.

    -Emmanuel Rodriguez-

  13. loving someone is terrible, like what if that person does not love you back the way you love them, you are going to feel really bad.... when you love someone you feel like that person is the world to you, like you are watching every single action they are doing, and when you finally see them and you are with that person you feel like heaven and you love it. Being in love is a PROBLERM to a perfect society because people are going to want to..... (you know) when in the perfect society you don't, so being in love will casue hate, despair, sometimes loneliness, and violence. By eliminating stirrings and giving them pills the community can rest in peace because there is no one "making babies" at night, and children and adolescents are not informed about that theme, which is good in a perfect world, because there is no abuse and vioolence. If the community eliminates stirrings they are doomed, becasue they would be giving the people a reason to (make babies).AND about the definition iof love, its wroing becasue you cant define love until you feel it, or its going to be rather a like than love.. <3

    marla moreta

  14. For me Love is an expression that you feel when you are attracted to someone and will like him/her to feel the same way that you do. An example of that could be the crush Jonas has on Fiona. He loves her but he doesn't know if Fiona feels the same way he does, lets just expect the best for him

    Manuel Arias

  15. For me love is something that you like to do its like an addiction. Also love is when you feel attractive to a person and you feel the same way cause you know love is not just a little a toy for you to play. An example could be the crush that Jonas has on Fiona that is very understandable because maybe Fiona is very pretty. Well i dont think that Jonas has a chance. But lets say yes "he has a chance".

    Luis Estepan

  16. When you love someone, you feel like she/he is the only person in the world. You go to sleep with his/her image, and in midnight you lose the sleep thinking on her/him, then, in the morning, you wake up thinking on her/him (I don't say it from personal experience....:$)
    Love is a problem with a perfect society because you start having feelings for that person, and those feelings would ride you to broke some of the rules that make their society "perfect".
    Without stirrings, they avoid rape, and wanted "rape"....

  17. Not surprisingly, many people have talked bout rushes and such(i enjoy so much being one of the last to comment) i mean its not strange to confuse other feelings for love i can,at this prcise moment, think of two different feelings people usually confused with "love". the most commonly known is liking someone(in other, more precise, terms: infatuation) i need not describe such feelings as you should have felt them before(Lest you might end up as a certain person). another feeling confused with love is "Lust"...... dont fake it you probably have felt it too(i wil now use this parenthesis to ask ms nyitray if i may define this term as it may lead to mature themes.
    part2 coming soon on DVD...
    Esteban Polanco

  18. When I was little, I was told that love doesn't exist, that men were jerks, & that it was all a mistake. Imagine my surprise when I looked up the word love on the dictionary & it said "physical attraction"! Like Esteban said, love is confused with many feelings, such as "Lust" & "Infatuation." But how does it really feel to LOVE someone?

    I'll tell you how it feels, it's like you have a whole new purpose for staying in this world. It's "Seeing the imperfect person perfectly." Yes, sometimes it hurts like hell, but there can't be happiness without sadness. You cannot have peace without some chaos. Or life without death.

    "We'll write a song that turns off the lights, when both boy & girl start suddenly shaking inside." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXr_j3Lp-ec <-- WATCH

    ~Brace yourself for love, Eliana Santos.

    P.S. I'm not done yet

  19. I LOVE your comments! (In this sense, I refer to "love" as a strong liking, something I take great pleasure in reading).
    Just a few responses/food for thought...

    Astrid mentioned LIBERTY- Can you imagine not having the freedom to desire/love the person you FEEL for? What if you had a boyfriend/girlfriend who your family didn't like and they took away your liberty to have a relationship with that person? How would you feel? Why do you think the members of the community so easily give up their freedom to feel "stirrings"?

    Esteban- I like how you differentiate "infatuation" and "lust" as "feelings confused for love". Which do you think is a "stirring": infatuation, lust, neither, or is it a combination of both?
    I would like to read part 2, which can stay PG if we define lust as "a passionate or overmastering desire or craving" (shout out to my peeps at dictionary.com for this definition). This desire could be for a non-human element as well. For example, I have a lust for triathlons. On days I do not train, I feel a craving to do so. I think if you can discuss lust in this manner, it would be blogspot-appropriate. So, let's see it!

    Those of you who have not seen the youtube clip Eliana posted, check it out! It could definitely be played in Chapter 5. "Stirrings" could be that "feeling of shaking inside". We, as seen in your beautiful descriptions of love (above), like that excitement. However, since the members of the community are not accustomed to being "shaken up" at all, do you think that they would feel uncomfortable if they were given the LIBERTY to have stirrings?

    <3 Ms. Nyitray

    teacher I seriously think that we should stop talking about this theme, it's getting VERY deep, though it's interesting.
    About the LIBERTY that Astri=d mentioned, its true, what if we can't have the liberty to love? I would probably have been released already, because it's a big sacrifice, like not to feel love.. Love is one of the feelings everyone has, like even mean people feel it, because it's imposible NOT to feel it. <3
    If the members of the community HAD stirrings, well... there would be lotss of BABIESSS ;D and people wouldn't have that opportunity of being the SAME.

    Marla Moreta <3

  21. To love someone is to have a special feeling for someone and to feel happy just by being with them.

    Love is somewhat of a problem. It might be a nuisance because it distracts some people from working, while it might get others to violence for that love.

    In the loss of stirrings, they also lose love and possibly the wanting Jonas had.

    There is some danger. The danger that some people might want the stirrings, which would lead to fighting in the community.

    Give me extra points

  22. Here's something Victor posted in "The Ceremony" post, but I thought it was pertinent here as well...

    "First you are born, but you won’t see your mother again; this is so unfair! Your mom doesn’t have the right to LOVE you (this is an example of the feeling that they treat as a disease…)" (Vargas).

    Ideas about this??

    P.S.- Esteban... when is Part II coming to a theater near us?

    <3 Ms. Nyitray

  23. Sorry bout the delay busy with HW *cough* continuing: I spoke about such feelings because although i may not describe love properly (its obvious we're not talkin bout family love, we're talkin bout love for *ahem* you know) so instead im talkin bout what is NOT love:(oh boy here comes bullet information!)
    *Infatuation: as strong as it may be. Sorry by no means is love liking someone alot,(liking someone alot is simply liking someone alot)
    *Lust: as much as you can Want someone it doesnt mean you love (another PG "definition" of lust is "One of the Seven Deadly Sins in the Christian Bible" if Lust were a synonym of love, Love would be a sin, a "Deadly" one,Scaaary....) that person, it just means you... nevermind.
    *The opposite of hate: Ms Nyitray's "other word" for hate is Strong dislike and since i dont believe love is a strong liking then love is not the opposite of hate

    I hope you understood(seriously i need a grade).
    ill close this post with the following lightly related statement: scientifically speaking humas are the only being that can think,reason ,and have likes and dislikes. only humans have such major body differences(this means hair type, hair color, body type, skin color, ect.) while beng part of a single race(other animals share the characteristics mentioned above with others of their race) so animals cant really find a "hot female(cant really say girl here right?) to go out with" they instead have feromones (detected by smell btw) which basicly say "im single, wanna have babies?"(ill give you a moment to laugh....your time is up keep reading) what i want to say with this is that only we can like or love someone, only we are so lucky,or unlucky, to be able of such things we, as one of the most prominent species on earth, decide or not if we want to reproduce or not. this fact over the ages may become our victor or our downfall. some food for the thought(if ms nyitray did it why cant i?):
    in the giver who did the people act like?
    a) like spountanous humans that decide their partners based on what they like and enjoy
    b) like animals that do every thing the supreme ruler(their instinct) tells them to

    (after writing so much i doubt ill release a third part.)
    ESteban Polanco

  24. love has no definition it's unique. some people feel butterflies in their stomachs, some have headachees and some just get really blushed when that special someone passes by.i don't love can be a problem people have the right to feel what they want for anyone there should be no boundaries towards it. and in the community, even though love and stirrings are a delicate topic and they are controlled as possible, the people in the community(even though they're thought not to) have fellings so it's still a really complicated topic.
    -Jennifer M.

  25. I think love is a way to express your feeling and to tell someone that you want to be with them or something similar, i think that people feel it in many ways, like butterflies, you don't want to eat, you want to be the perfect person for him/her and i don't know........
    The Community you can't feel, cause you don't know what it means... That's why when you are a teenager they give you the pills, so that way you can't feel what is love...

    In real life an example could be when you love someone really that "you can't live without them"

    All this examples are wrong cause love is sowmthing that have no definition like jennifer said.

    In Other words i think that love means the way 2 people share feelings :P


  26. well i think that in the community doesnt need to quit stirrings becausew that something natural, that you were born with so if some people doesnt want that they cant denied your natural rights
    elio delgado....

  27. Love have no definition tu explain becuase are things you feel , it dosent need to be with boyfriend and girlfriens , it could be with your family , or with your friends. Now people say '' i love you'' LIKE HELLO , but people say it, just to say it, love is very important

  28. –noun
    a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
    a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
    sexual passion or desire.
    a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart...........

    the definitions dont end, so read them and make a summary about thease and round it up.

  29. Love is hard to explain, but I'll do my best. And by the way, love doesn't necessarily need to be between a boy and a girl. It could also be family Love. For example, my mom loves me and I love my Mom. And, also, I think "Love" is the meaning you give to it not the meaning you see in a dictionary or someone else gives you.
    Some people think that they feel "True Love" by seeing someone. They call it "Love at First Sight" I think. But they are only seeing there physical looks and not even knowing them. That "Angel" you see could be a witch in the reality.
    I think that the community is doing well in eliminating over population and things like that but I don’t think it's good to eliminate love.
    Laura Betancourt♥

  30. i could say that love can be seen in diffrent ways like what i want to say is that you can give your own meaning to love, when you just like someone its not the same as love for me love is this quote We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.AMPA~

  31. 1. When you love someone you feel like they are the only person in the whole world and there could be a thousand people but he is the only one you see.
    2. No, this is not a problem for them because in their society they don't have love, love doesn't exist.
    3. Society avoids heartbreak, cheaters, and crying for man, CRYING FOR MAN.
    4. No there is any harm (because they don't have love).
