Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mindful Media

Media messes with our minds! For years, your brain has been trained by the media (magazines, television, music videos, youtube, radio, newspaper, etc.)to have certain ideas about what is "right" and what is "wrong", about how society "should" be. 
As we end the 20th century, young people (and older) are taught- largely through media repetitions of social myths, misconceptions, stupidity, and outright bigotry- to view people as types locked into certain stereotypical, inalterable (and inaccurate) modes
(Dennis & Pease, 1994). 
The media, in other words, help to create a divide amongst people and shamelessly give those labels we all unfortunately have: stereotypes. Media have a huge impact on our perceptions of the world, whether we like it or not.

Every day we are bombarded with biased non-fiction, with fictional stories perpetuating played-out stereotypes, and with distorted images of the world and how it should be. For example, check out this youtube video, "Gender Stereotypes in Media" that compiles clips from different commercials, movies, and TV shows throughout the years that have OBVIOUS gender stereotypes. Each clip tells us  how a man/woman "should" be. 

Unfortunately, the media create certain standards for different races, as well. These we can see instilled in our minds even from a young age, through media you would never expect, like cartoons. We can see several examples in "Racial Stereotypes in Children's Entertainment" of how kids can sublty form misconceptions about different races. These youtube media compliations are only 2 examples, you can find thousands more on TV, in movies, and on the internet.

In our "Mindful Media" project, it was your responsibility to be a critical viewer and make your own judgments about the media, then stand up against the stereotypes you see. You had the power, through your words, to CREATE new media that is free of bias and stereotypes.

This blog is for you to share your work from your "Mindful Media" project, as well as any additional discoveries you may have made since then. Please post the link(s) to the media you analyzed, and a brief summary of your analysis of that media. (Note: If you selected an entire movie, you may want to provide a link to the trailer of the movie, the part of the movie that most impacted you, or the website for the movie). Also, if you would like to upload your new, unbiased media and share with us, that would be great! (Please provide the link as well).

Do not feel limited to comment on your project only. Feel free to share a thought, question, or conclusion your may have come to from other projects, or simply from something you saw in the media that you feel the need to speak out against. Don't let the media mess with your mind anymore!


  1. i actualy agree with you. media can implant things in our mind that aren't true.
    my mindful media project was about rich/spoiled kids. the movie i chose was "Wild Child". Where Poppy Moore is spoiled by her dad because her mother is dead.
    alba reynoso

  2. As media change the way people think we can also make people think different about our world... for example in this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQJwUhhUjpI) the "black" man instead of feeling discriminated by the old woman he took advantage of that and made fun of her.
    -Alfonso Medina

  3. I agree with you all. Media DOES influence our minds. For example; lets say a boy is trained by tv or by their parents that he needs to like dolls. When he grows up; he'll be 'feminine' and will be discriminated. see? What would you do if you saw that? You'll probably say'I woulnt traet him bad' but your lying. You'll make fun of him, dont you? Anyways in my mindfull media proyect; two blonde twins come from London to L.A to study law. When they enter; everyone judge them by their stereotype 'hot body but no brains.' Well, theyre wrong. They actually solve cases and are very smart. So dont judge people by their stereotype. Because I'm a blondie, got it?(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQmjvnf8At8)
    -Maria A.

  4. your all right. but when you think about it stereotypes is what can make some medias fun. its bad, yea and as technology advanses they may not get better. if you whant to stop stereotypes you would have to stop wourld conflicts.
    -anonymous 32

  5. I think that what Ms. Nyitray said is true. Because, people could believe anything just by seeing it on T.V. or a movie, even in jokes. In my opinion, Dominican jokes are the most racist toward the blond and black people. Someday people will have to open their eyes and see the truth.
    Laura Betancourt

  6. media it's like a drug, it's addictive. since we're used to do mostly what we're told or influenced we keep doing it. for example my mindful media project was about the movie wild child which was about this girl named poppy moore who was spoiled by her dad since her mother died. he tryied to fill up that emptyness by giving her everything she wanted and asked for.

    -camille luna

  7. i think the media can have a huge impact on people because for example in movies and magazines they'll tell you that bolonds are stupid so thats like creating a norm that all blonds are stupid. And it's not like that but like media sais it people think it's true. The problem in creating a norm is that you don't know if that norm is good or bad, for you might be great but for others it might not be the best thing. my proyect was about a show that its name is "if you really new me" in that show the creater of the show uses stereotypes to end stereotypes. so its complicated.


  8. The influce of media in us is that we believe everything we see, hear, and read. Every stereotype beings when we share what we think and comuncicate it to others. For example, if I see many chinese people and I see they're all intelligent, I might share this to my friends, and those friends would look at them and maybe they think the same as I do and they share those ideas. People can make an article or publish in magazines stereotypes. My prohect was about a rich girl who's mother died and his father gave everything she wanted, so she grew up spoiled and having expensive things.

    Camille Espaillat♥~

  9. Stereotypes are used in the media so that we as the veiwer understand more of the characters and are able to "associate" these characters to everyday life. (Which means more views of the media, and more money to those who make it.) However, media is just media, it depends how you interpret it. If you suddenly think everyone like that character on TV is the same it's your problem, I mean, you don't have to exaggerate. I mean come on, honestly guys.. Right now you're like, "Oh my god, TV is so bad, we need to stop this, stereotypes, blah blah blah.." But when you get home you're gonna go watch Glee, The Simpsons, or whatever and laugh about the racist jokes they say. So yeah, I think this whole stereotype thing is mostly biased, some people stereotype, others don't.. It's the constant battle in humanity. Just be a LEADER, not a FOLLOWER. Do what YOU think is right.

    *Eliana Santos ♪♫

  10. Something that we aren't looking is that there's actually another thing that influence people's mind and the problem is that we don't know what it is, I don't know if you are getting my point, someone created that media, but from where did they took the idea? what is that gave them the "idea" to the first creators of media and how do they do to convince us?!
    We got to discover what is creating the media in first place because as it can be used for good things, it can be also used for bad things or to send messages that aren't good.
    we need to save our kids from bad messages! now we can't trust even in _______________________(I don't want to mension any program, I don't want to get in problems...) but we can't trust in the progams that are supposed to be "good" for our kids!.

  11. Media is the most powerfull thing that affect our minds, its because we have it everywere.. music, television, computer, newspaper, bb, EVERYWERE and there is no way to get out of it. so by seeing tv they foul our minds with every single word.. IN CARTOONS for babies is such a disaster how these is afecting even childrens. i totally agree with victor but as you see right there he is STEREOTYPING about what is ''good'' or ''wrong'' :S so confusing i will really like for this to be solved they say anything is impossible, but this is kind off..


  12. The Media is very good. Is the mosty porwerfull ting , it is in anywhere and in everything , like ipas i pods videogames , music , cartoons , movies and all thast, All that have teachnology have media.

    Jorge Garcia Lee

  13. Ms. Nyitray is quite right... In media, you can see many stereotypes.. Most of media include stereotypes.. Even if the media is trying to take away stereotypes or to say that stereotyiping is wrong they would still use stereotypes to show how it is.. Media is one of the things that influences us the most in our lifes.. Like when TV says that blonds are stupid or that asians are nerd or that latinos are criminals, we actually believe them.. because we have come to believe biases of other people as true information

    Marla Moreta :D

  14. you are right ms. Nyitrsy because stereotypes are wrong.stereotypes are one of the most powerfeull things that affect our mind. we can see stereotypes in any place for example cartoons, tv series, movies for examplecrash wich is a great movie lots of stereotypes.media is like an addictive drug it gets in to your mind like poison or videogames so yeah i think your right.

    Luis Estepan

  15. meh.... thing is i dont believe the problem is the media. its like saying the knife is guilty of murder. its all about peoples minds an how they respond to such messages. imagine a documental says humans can fly, they obviously cant so are we going to even try? no were going to stay the same perhaps send some emails to the "idiot" who wrote the documental. this proves that most people that belive the "media's" stereotypes actually believe the accused are capable of fulfilling such stereotypes.does that, by any chance prove we are stereotyping by nature? i actually believe that stereotyping might be an instinct. how else can a rabbit run from a fox if it does not think all foxes are evil? it doesnt stop to ask him thats for sure. so the rabbit adapted (crated a stereotype )against foxes and run away on sight......thnk you for listening er... reading,
    Esteban Polanco....meh

  16. As I have said before development, science, education have been bad I dont agree a good world should have it because this things create media that creates stereotypes on kids since little. for example, science created magazines, people wrote on magazines, people had different views of the world and they shared it. So teachers read them and apply it to their class. So development is actually bad, cause later tvs were created and this people shared even more their thought and more people saw it, adapted to it, and lived with it. So the guilty is not "media" if not the people who created media (the first scientists that created books and magazines. Here I include the perfect world a perfect world is where there is nothing that affects in this case media, no science = no media = no discrimination...

  17. I think the article's right, media is one of the main source by which we, kids, are taught to stereotype, prejudge, and discriminate. media is just transmitting, in a visual way, of society's nonsense standards about what is wrong or right, good or bad, normal or not normal. people just don't understand that every person is different and everybody should be treated as what they are, human beings.
    the media i chose for my project was the movie MY NAME IS KHAN. it talks about a kid that is killed because his step dad was a muslim.
    ~Gaby Susana

  18. Well, Like all of you said, MEDIA IS POWERFULL, but actually we can controled, i think that we like media because is entertaiment and i have to tell you that i watch tv 8 hours per day ( i think ) and i use my bb 24/7 im like addict to it, i have to tell you that people is the future and we need to know how to use our minds in a productive way... Media is drug, and that drug affect alot, cause technology destroy the world... AND if you know everyday that human learn something destroy something .... - Valerie Lora

  19. media can really get in people's mind, in the end that's what we look at the most lately. our cellphones, tv, the internet it'sall bringing us new ideas into our head.

    -jennifer melo

  20. Media is growing too fast in my concern, but that is part good and bad. that is because each of us have our own perspective about the media an its influences

    Manuel Arias
