Monday, January 31, 2011

In a Perfect World...

Utopia: (n) an ideal place or state (see full definiton and source here)

What makes "Utopia" or "the perfect world"? Peace. Justice. Independence. Disney World. Education. "Hotties". Equality. Clean Environment... These are all words that were thrown around in your discussions of what "The Perfect World" would have. We also thought about what keeps that world from happening.
In The Giver by Lois Lowry, Chapter 1 introduces us to a "perfect world".  
What elements does the author say make a perfect world? 
What is needed to keep that world perfect? 
Do you agree? 
Has your opinion changed at all after reading Chapter 1 about what is a "perfect world"?

Please answer these questions in your comment. You may want to include a link to a picture you find on the web or a video that shows what you believe to be "the perfect world", although this is not as neccesary as your ideas on the subject. Don't forget to write your name!

People who have read beyond Chapter 1: PLEASE answer the questions as if you have only read up to p. 10. We don't want to give away any of the juicy parts of the book for our classmates! PLEASE!!!


  1. at first i thought that the perfect world was that, nice guys, car, money, and people praying to Jesus.. but then i realize that THE PERFECT WORLD that really didn't exist. in the book "The Giver" it talks about a perfect world with responsible parents singing a slip befor having a baby and all the kids growing normal with no problems and all this stuff that is never going to be real. In my world not PERFECT world but in my world everyone has as many child as they what, but you might be wondering well imagine all the kids that would die of hunger because people have kids without even having money to buy them food, well guess what.. my world is not perfect but EVERYONE and EVERYHTING in it is.

    And no I don't agree with the book
    and yes, as you see, my opinion has changed


  2. I agree completely with you Mao, people always think that their 'perfect world' is everything that they wanted, buuut, it's not like that in 'The Giver'!(nor real life.) In "The Giver", The Community is always quiet,peaceful, etc..; Their idea of 'perfect' is everyone is the same. Don't you find it BORING? I do. Its not fun people being the same, its better people being different; Thats what makes the world FUN! ^^
    Back to the 'inhabitors' in the book, the 'inhabitors' are the one's that make transgression(errors) and people that don't obey rules,First, FACE IT, we aren't PERFECT,sceond, EVERYONE makes mistakes, thats why noone's perfect. Third, If someone is 'different', according to you, there's a value called TOLERANCE(the ability, willingness, or capacity to tolerate something, if you didn't know,btw.)
    So GET OVER IT,kaythxbai.

  3. 1.What he says makes the world perfect is that there is no war, fear, or pain. Everything is under control.
    2.To assign everyone a role in the community to keep the order and control.
    3. I think that can help keep the order, but if someone doesn't like their role, they might revolt and completely destroy the order.

    4.No. I still think my perfect world is better, because it not only has peace, but it also has freedom and a sense of true happiness.

  4. Well.. In The Giver we see that the author thinks that the perfect world does not have "animals", a family can only be composed of one male and female as children, and people who disobey laws, newborns that are not "normal", and ederly have to be released of the community. So they believe that this is how normal people should be, and people who are not his way are anormal.
    Right now, i would have to agree with these people because every people has their own opinion about what the perfect world is like.. so I can't disagree with them.
    My point of view of having the perfect world is still the same.. even though i'm missing education :) this link shows how the perfect world of someone is.. but there's way much more than a pretty land :)
    Marla Moreta <3

  5. Like almost everyone else, I thought that the perfect world was made of that, but as I told you I discovered that somethings in it just make it worse, like hotties, hotties would make discrimination come, or education, development in science. I think this is the worse of all, as I said in the post before this new things that we make us believe are "needed" and "better" are actually bad, because for example lets say they created guns -what the hell for?! to kill people or animals? aren't people saying we need peace? why do they create new and worst ones?- also there is factories -we can get our own meat and clothes just as our ancestors did, no smoke or oil to contaminate is needed- and all this things are shown in school.
    So I think this perfect world is actually more imperfect because it still has all this things going on and being used.
    So no I don't agree with the book and yes education and advancement are bad.
    And in my opinion what people call imperfect is actually what I call prefect, hard work and calmed times. It's not that I don't like what happens in this times some things I actually love them but we have to be realistic and know that it's bad.
    PS- I actually got a little bit lost writing this, but Ms. Nyitray you get it :D

  6. To me the perfect is actually unachievable. The perfect world depends on ones perspective. For example, if for you the perfect world may be made of cookies and creams' ice cream; that's your perspective while another's perfect world might be made up of humble vegetarians. For me the perfect world is just like we have it because to make what we call the "perfect world" we don't have to change what surround us but what is within. By within I mean what;s inside people; how they think; how they act.
    To Lois Lowry, the perfect world is one where all people have the same. They are obedient and follow the rules. If they don't they''l be release, or kicked out of the community. People also were release if they were to old or newborns who were not "normal". Animals were not allowed. Each family had to have two children -one male, one female- and they, every day talked about their feelings.
    I don't agree with Lois Lowry's perfect world because my idea of a perfect world is different
    (what I stated before). My idea hasn't change with this first chapter of "The Giver". Because in this world that Lowry describes there is no emotion, no color and for me that is an important part of what the perfect world should be.
    Alba Reynoso

  7. the author expresses that the perfect world would be safety everywhere at all times, hygiene, no animals, everybody is punctual. i agree to some of this elements. one i don't agree with is that if a person doe not develop ¨normally¨, they should be released. or animals, what's wrong with animals? animals are actually a big part of our lives. for example: dogs. i would define the word dog as, as a lot of different people would,humans' most loyal friend. to disagree with these elements was what made me realize that the perfect world is what we are living now because if we didn't have any problems, the world would be boring and nonsense. problems are the reason of life. PERFECT is an opinion and any body can have a different concept of the perfect world. most of us think of the perfect world as a world with hot people money, no diseases,etc. but what we don't realize is all that we are missing if we would have that as the perfect world. if everybody was the same, there would be no fun, nothing new. that is what makes life interesting, new things.
    Gaby Susana

  8. The perfeect world for you would be how you think about it, that's what makes us unique in very different ways. If we were all the same why should we live? What I mean is that everyone is and acts differently, it will be the same routine over and over again everyone doing the same thing. I agree with alba, she is right that we all live in the perfect world, we don't see it perfect because of what we have done with it and our actions towards it. For example if we don't humans don't throw garbage in the floor the world wouldn't be so dirty.

    I don't agree with Lois Lowry's perspective of a perfect world. We should be able to do, act,and speak differently, without them being there selves it would be as if all of them were one person because they do the same thing.

    Camille Luna

  9. what makes this world "perfect" is that they try to make their own system in which everyone has everything equally and at the same time, but the bad thing is that anything that might break that system, but not threaten it, just change it a little bit, is released, which is totally not perfect. in order to keep that system, they release or judge anyone or anything that might change the system and refute anything that the rules and/or authority say.
    i dont agree with this method of having a "perfect" world because the perfect world should be all about embracing differences but in this world, you aren't allowed to be different and i still have my old idea of the perfect world in my head.
    Danie Eli Diaz B. :D

  10. What the author expresses in this chapter is almost the same idea that the mayority of people have as the perfect world, oraganization, security, peace... ''What is needed to keep it perfect is to try fixed things that do not fit, in this type of perfect world". I don't agree with that, for me every single thing in this world plays a role in the community, without something inperfect how are we going to figure out what is the perfect side of it? My opinion hasn't change at all after reading this chapter... I still have my own opinions of what makes the "Perfect World".
    -Alfonso Medina

  11. The author expresses that this world should be perfect, the way a family is, the way they can have children, the quantity of children they can have, and the santions they have if they break one of the rules. People get released and stuff! I don't agree too much with this book because it seems boring the be the same as others, because you should be unique and different, not the same thing over and over, just watching someone that is the same as you... we should meet people that are different to share ideas and not touching the same themes everytime without knowing something new. In my world people should not be that perfect as they say in the book. And yes, my opinion has changed since I read chapter 1.

    Camille Espaillat♥~

  12. personally i wouldnt describe such world as perfect.... actually no one can define "perfect", such word is too broadto be described. if you ask is there equality in such world? yes. yet no place is perfect you must always sacrifice something for such "perfect world" and it is not a sacrifice if it doesnt help this perfect world so there is no real perfect world....meh you probably didnt understand that ill jus leave it at that.
    oh and since i don believe in a perfect world i cant say my opinion of such changed
    (ya probably know by now:)
    Esteban Polanco

  13. Actually, for me is not cause samehow people need freedom and have to know that the world is not PINK.... Is like when you are a baby, you see that everything is like you want it etc.... Autors says that the perfect world is...
    A world without war(in fact that's true), always in peace, and following rules... What is needed to keep it? Well, i think that in "THE COMMUNITY" is following rules and doing what the law want you to do....Actually no, Yes - Valerie Lora

  14. well , my opinion is that people doesent matter how diffrenrt they are they need to be treated with some kind off freedom a worl without figthing will be better

  15. my opinion is that it dosent matter how you are you need to have the same respect as the other

    - if is to short is like me : jorge

  16. I think that the perfect world for me should have in school. Some elements that the author says is that it is very calm and not FREE! i do not agree to lowry's perspective because there isnt that such thing as the perfect world.

    Luis Estepan

  17. well i have a responce that says everything needs the opposite of it to be, for example, without hot water there is no cold water cause theres only one type of water and it would have no difference, so it is logical that there is no perfect world without a actual world. what i mean,for example if you are rise in your perfect world, it will no longer be a perfect world it
    will just be your normal world.

    Emmanuel R.

  18. I don't agree with the book in some ways. the parts of peace and that nothing bad ever happens sounds realy good but a little boring. also I don't like those parts were kids cannot do things ontil some age, for example the bysicle thing. it doesn't have much Freedome! And the part of the ceremony and people that tell you what you are going to do when you grow up, that doesn't sounds good to me.

  19. for me a perfect world is really subjective everyone has their own opinion and ways of seing the world as perfect so there is no objective way to see it

    -jennifer melo

  20. The author describes the "perfect world as a world where people have lost their avility to choose what they want to do, they have two options:
    1. follow the rules. 2. follow the rules. This world isn't perfect, we may see that they have a good organization, and they make sure that every kid have a god future with their parents, etc. when God created the world, it was like that, the only thing was that you have a second option and was to broke the rules, but even God took us from doing it, so why people should? society make rules, but you choose between doing it or not, even if they tell you that if you broke the rules you are going to jail. so bacicly, it may seem like a perfect world, but a world where you have no choise is not perfect.
    To keep that perfect world is needed a didactorship, but one over all the world,because someone could have a different opinion, so the power will have to be of one man/woman, who can control all this people.
    I don't agree with this, a world where you have to take a place in society, a place where you are afraid of braking the most insignificant rule isn't perfect; sometimes we have to be crazy, jump, have fun (always with some limits of "good" and "bad"), but we need it, I THINK THAT ANY OF YOU GUYS WOULD LIKE A LIFE(AS ADULTS) WHERE YOU CAN'T BE LATE TO YOUR HOUSE BECAUSE YOU WHERE IN A DATE WITH YOUR BOY/GIRL FRIEND, OR JUST SHARING WITH YOUR FRIENDS. that is the way in which the perfect world would work like.

  21. for me the perfect world is not about hotties and Disney world, is about giving everyone in the world their basic rights: food, shelter, clothe, a name, and a family. for me anyone who has those stuff is grateful of living in that world.

    Manuel Arias

  22. "Perfection is made up upon little pieces of perfection." ENOUGH SAID

    *Eliana Santos*

  23. there's no such thing as a perfect world. we've just being intrroduce to an idea of it but perfection is like beauty is REALLY subjective, it's your choice what perfection is.
    -Jennifer M.

  24. well they said that is a perfect world because all of the people are the same and have the same capabillity. thare is no crime no war is only peace, no disease, no animals, no snow, no feelings, NO LOVE, and no stirrings. so that is tyhe perfect world:)
    elio delgadooo

  25. there aint a perfect world and there never could be because the word perfet dosnot mean anything. well yea it does but everybody has has a diferent opinion of what ''perfect'' is. Hanibal might think that the perfect day is killing 27 people. you see there is no ''perfect'' in general.

  26. my opinion is there is no perfect world cause depending in our personalities we can create our own perfect world for example:
    a girl that likes pink : my perfect world would be that everyhing is pink and pink is the only color in the world. while for a boy who really likes call of duty: oh my perfect world would be that my only responsability is to play this game. people who like music: playing music and listning to music more. hippies : PEACE and love. so my point is EACH one of you can make up your perfect world but the WORD perfect just exist in a place UR POIN OF VIEW... AMPA
